Friday, January 31, 2020

Why you Should Never Leave the House Without Contact of a Towing Service:

If you live in Buffalo, you have probably been a victim of deteriorating traffic situation due to weather conditions and winter storms. Last week when I left the house in a hurry, (tbh I’m always late for work) completely unaware of the storm warning and lake-effect snow, it taught me a lesson, for a lifetime. Never drive when there is a snowstorm warning and if you do keep contact details of a towing service in Buffalo.

As soon as I left the house, I knew I made a terrible mistake. My car stopped due to heavy storm after just 20 minutes. I was in the middle of a deserted highway, and there was no one out there (apparently people do listen to the news and are not completely bonkers like me). When my car refused to start, I almost felt a chill go down my spine, just the idea of getting out in that weather made me shiver. I panicked and not knowing what to do called my mom (pro tip, never call your mom when you are stranded on a highway in the middle of a storm, she is probably going to panic way more than you) who lives in Alden. After throwing a tantrum on phone for 5 minutes my mom sent me contact details of a towing service in Buffalo.

Great Customer service:

I called their office and surprisingly the picked up fast, even with the storm and all. The operator was really nice and understanding, he asked me to give my exact location, model and make of my car and told me not to worry as help was on the way. I had to wait for 15 minutes before the tow truck reached me. The crew was amiable; they looked at what was wrong with the car and if it could be fixed it couldn’t so they offered me to wait inside their truck while they prepared my car for towing. They gave me a lift to my work and took my car to the mechanic. If it wasn’t for the towing service in Buffalo, I probably would’ve frozen to death in that snowstorm.

We all like to think that we are careful enough and have everything under control, this is just my experience, but it can happen with anyone. Living in Buffalo and having contact details of a towing service go hand in hand as it’s not just about extreme weather conditions, Buffalonians are overall known for their worst driving and causing collision accidents.

How to select the towing service:

Well when you’re in an emergency, any towing service will do but to avoid this keep contact details of a registered, licensed, professional towing service with modern equipment and towing trucks. This is a precautionary measure and will save you from a lot of trouble. Schoemann’s Road Service has been providing towing services in Buffalo for the past 38 years and is highly skilled and reliable.